
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Resting Bitch Face

I came across the term Resting Bitch Face less than half an hour ago. It is what you call a woman's facial expression when she doesn't really have any expression on her face, and is therefore presumed to be angry, upset, mean or bitchy.

The term is usually used for women, because for some odd reason, it is a woman's sacred duty to smile. We are expected to smile, irrespective of whether we feel like it. I'm not against smiling. I smile when I'm happy. I smile when I want to. I smile when something good happens. A smile is an expression of happiness and peace. It shouldn't be a social obligation.

Men take it as a personal failure when your eyes don't light up at their sight. I've lost count of how many times my dates have asked me to smile. When I ask them what's funny, they wondered if they are making me feel uncomfortable. The only thing it tells me, is that these men suffer from low self esteem and need constant validation by way of a smile. Needless to say I've been labled a 'bitch' more times than I'd care to remember.

Ever since I was a little girl, I was asked to smile more. I was expected to smile at my neighbour when she prepared breakfast (our kitchen windows overlooked each other). I was expected to smile at friends of my parents. I was expected to smile at my friends' parents. Basically I was expected to smile all the time... for no reason.

As I grew older, my smile was 'corrected'. I was advised to not show my gums. I was forced to wear braces because I had 'ugly' teeth (basically, I just have an extra canine tooth). Even today when I smile for pictures, my mother chides me for not smiling 'properly'. A 'proper' smile being one where I look like I'm smelling fart while trying hard not to pee!

When I started working, well meaning colleagues often asked me why I looked disinterested. Some wondered if I was happy with my job. Some questioned my committment, simple because I didn't smile beatifically as I walked into my office every morning. Some thought I genuinely didn't care about things, while others advised me to purge negativity from my life. That was weird, because as any of my friends would tell you, I'm a happy person. I'm as happy as a bunny in a carrot garden! But that doesn't mean I have to look like I'm on an acid trip.

I've now mastered the Bitch Smile, a fake smile that surprisingly puts people at ease. I flash that smile when people talk about their babies, husband, dog or parents, their dreams, their travel plans, their car or their new clothes. It makes people think I care, when I genuinely don't give a shit. Here, take a look:

I don't know... you call that a smile, I think THAT'S a resting bitch face.